12 Different Types Of Explainer Videos Used By Businesses

12 Different Types Of Explainer Videos Used By Businesses


So just what are the different types of explainer videos out there today ? Ever wondered what the different styles of animated explainer videos for business are? Confused by them all ? Check out this post for a breakdown of the most popular animation types and styles.


There are many types of explainer videos, each with its own unique style. most can be mixed together. Heres some of the most popular types including:




The 12 Different Types Of Explainer Videos Businesses Use:


Whiteboard animation:

  •  This type of animated explainer video is characterized by its use of black and white illustrations on a whiteboard. They are often used to simplify complex concepts or ideas.

2D animation:

  • This style of animation uses either a combination of hand-drawn and digital artwork or just digital software to create dynamic, visually engaging videos. It is often used for web advertisements or product demos.

2D Isometric Animation

  • 2D isometric animation is a style of animated explainer video that uses geometric shapes and flat colors to create an engaging and eye-catching visual effect. This style is especially popular among explainer videos, as it can be used to effectively communicate complex ideas in a simple, easy-to-understand way

Kinetic Typography Animation:

  •  Like 2D animation, motion graphics use a combination of digital and hand-drawn elements to create videos that are both eye-catching and informative. They are often used for corporate presentations or product demos.

Infographic Animated Videos:

  • Infographic animated explainer videos are a type of explainer video that uses engaging visual elements to present information in an interesting and easily digestible way. These types of videos can take on many different styles, including animation, motion graphics, whiteboard animation, and more

Screencast Animations:

  •  Ideal when you want to demonstrate a particular app in action No matter what style of animation is used, screencast animations are an effective way to explain a concept or process in a clear and concise manner using animated screengrabs from your website.

2D Parallax Animation:

  • 2D parallax animation is a style of animated video that uses layers to create the illusion of depth, giving it a more dynamic and visually engaging effect

Live Action Video Animation:

  •  This type of video combines live footage with animation and graphics to create a unique and engaging experience. Live action videos are often used for commercials, webinars, or training videos.

Cutout Animation

  • Cutout animation is a type of 2D animation in which images are cut out from paper or other materials and then placed on a background. This type of animation was popularized by shows such as “South Park” and “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”.


Whatever type of animated explainer videos you decide to use, it is important to choose an animation style that matches your brand and resonates with your target audience. By doing so, you can create high-quality video content that effectively conveys your message and drives results.


Lets dive in deeper and discover more of each of the 12 different types of explainer videos used by businesses along with examples:


Whiteboard Animation


Whiteboard animation is a style of animated explainer video that uses simple imagery and drawings to tell a story or convey information. This type of animation is often used for explainer videos, as it can be an engaging and effective way to engage viewers and present complex concepts in a simple and easy-to-understand way.


There are several different types of explainer videos for business that are commonly used in whiteboard videos, including hand-drawn animation, stop motion animation, and computer animated graphics. Each of these types of animation has its own strengths and is suited to different types of content or messages.


For example, hand-drawn animations may be a good choice for illustrating abstract concepts or ideas, while computer animated graphics may be more suitable for visually-rich or technical content.


Whether you are creating a whiteboard animation video for your business, marketing campaign, or educational purposes, it is important to choose an appropriate style that best fits the content and tone of your message. To do this, you should carefully consider factors such as your audience and the purpose of your video, as well as the types of imagery and animation that will be most effective in conveying your ideas.


With the right approach, you can create an engaging and informative whiteboard animation that will help you achieve your goals and connect with your audience.



2D Animated Explainer Video Styles


2D animation is an animation technique in which images are displayed in a two-dimensional space. This contrasts with 3D animations, which display images in a three-dimensional space.

Traditionally 2D animations are typically created by drawing each frame of the animation on paper or digitally, and then scanning the drawings into a computer. The computer then assembles the frames into a final animation. most are now created digitally using specific computer software.

2D animation has many applications, including in advertising, cartoons, and video games. It is also often used for educational purposes, such as to explain complex concepts or processes.



Cartoon Style Character 2D Animation

2D character animation is a type of explainer video where the characters are animated in a two-dimensional space. This type of video is often used to tell stories or explain complex ideas in a fun and engaging way. The characters are typically illustrated using digital tools, such as animation software or vector graphics.


There are a variety of different types of 2D explainer videos for business, each with its own distinct look and feel. Some of the most popular styles include traditional animation, stop-motion animation, and vector-based animation, most common being used for most animated explainer videos today is vector animation Remember, the more character and environment density the more work – the more it will cost.



2D Isometric Animated Explainer Video Style

2D isometric animation is a style of animation that creates a three-dimensional effect using two-dimensional images. This technique is often used in animated explainer videos, as it can help to effectively convey complex concepts and ideas in an engaging, entertaining way. Some of the most common types of 2D isometric animations include whiteboard, motion graphics, and 2.5D animations.



Traditional Cell Animation

Traditional animation is the technique of drawing each frame of an animation by hand. This style is often used for cartoons and other types of entertainment videos.



Stop-Motion Animation

Stop-motion animation is an animation technique in which objects are photographed frame by frame, with each frame slightly different from the last. This gives the illusion of movement when the frames are played back in sequence. Stop-motion animation is often used for educational videos or stop-motion films.



Kinetic Typography Animation:

Kinetic typography animation
is one of the many styles of animated explainer videos that are used to engage and inform audiences. This type of animation uses moving text to convey information in a dynamic, compelling way.


It combines the visual power of motion graphics with engaging typography, allowing you to create engaging video content that really captures your audience’s attention.


Kinetic typography animation can be used for a wide variety of purposes, from educational videos to product demonstrations to marketing materials. It’s a versatile tool that can really help you get your message across in a truly effective way.


If you’re looking for a way to make your explainer video really pop, kinetic typography animation is definitely worth considering. It’s a great way to add visual interest and engagement to your video, and it can really help you get your message across in a truly impactful way.




Infographic Animated Videos

As the name suggests, infographic videos are a combination of graphics and animation to provide information in a visual and easily digestible format. These types of videos are perfect for complex topics or data-heavy presentations. The key with infographic videos is to keep them short, sweet, and to the point – after all, you don’t want your viewers to be overwhelmed by a seemingly endless stream of data.




Screencast Animated Explainer Video Styles


Screencast animations are types of animated explainer video that use animation to illustrate a concept or idea, for example an App. This style of video typically features an animated character speaking directly to the camera, describing a particular topic or process.

Screencast animations may also incorporate elements such as on-screen text and graphic elements to further convey information.


There are several different animation styles that are commonly used in screencast animations, including 2D and 3D animation. 2D animation is typically less expensive and easier to produce than other types of animation, making it a popular choice for many companies and brands.


However, 3D animation can create more realistic visuals and more engaging effects, making it a popular choice for complex concepts or ideas.


Parallax Effect Animation

Parallax effect is a style of animation where the background moves at a different speed from the foreground, creating an illusion of depth. This technique is commonly used in video games to add a sense of realism to the environment.

Parallax effect animation can be used to create stunning and effective explainer videos and is often used to create engaging and eye-catching explainer videos that help promote products or services in an engaging and visually appealing way.



Live Action Animated Video


Live action animated videos are a type of explainer video that combines live action footage with animation. This can be used to create a more engaging and visually interesting video, while still providing the same informative content as a traditional explainer video.



Cutout Animation: Animated Explainer Video Styles


Digital cutout animation is a type of animation style that uses digital images to create moving, lifelike characters and objects. This technique relies on the use of layered graphics and special effects, such as shadows and reflections, to add depth and realism to the animated scenes. In addition, digital cutout animation often uses minimal movement and exaggerated expressions, which can make the characters and objects seem more lifelike and engaging.


As you can no doubt see by choosing the right animation studio 2D animation can be a great way to create engaging and informative videos. Whether you’re looking for entertainment or education, there’s a style of 2D animation that’s right for you. So why not explore the different types of 2D animation today?  You might just be surprised at what you find !



Conclusion: 12 Different Types Of Explainer Videos Used By Businesses


Explainer videos are a powerful way to communicate with your customers. They can help you introduce new products, explain how they work, or show the benefits of using them. If you’re looking for an engaging and informative way to connect with your customers, an explainer video may be the answer.


At TVAC we create custom explainer videos that capture your brand personality and deliver your message in a clear and concise way. We’d love to help you create a video that drives sales and helps you reach your business goals. Contact us today to get started!




12 Different Types Of Explainer Videos Used By Businesses An Article by Nicole Delgado 2022 | CMO| Explainer Video Company | Animated Explainer Videos 



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