Video Mail Its Definition and Benefits
VMail The Ultimate Guide


If you’re like most business owners, you’re always looking for new and innovative ways to reach your target market. Have you considered using video mail for business as part of your marketing strategy? No? Well, here’s a quick primer on what Video Mail or Vmail is and how you can use it to connect with potential customers and strengthen relationships with current ones. Stay tuned – we’ll also give you some tips on how to make the most of this powerful marketing tool and a lists of free and paid versions you can try.


What is Vmail?

Video mail, or vmail, is a type of email that includes a video message. It’s a great way to add a personal touch to your marketing emails, and it can help you stand out from the competition.

Vmail first came about in the early 2000s, and it was popular for a while, but then it fell out of favor. Recently, though, vmail has been making a comeback. Thanks to advances in technology, vmail is now easier to create and send than ever before.

There are many benefits of vmail over traditional text-only email. First, vmail is more likely to get opened and watched all the way through. People are much more likely to watch a short video than read a long email.

Second, vmail is a great way to build trust and rapport with your prospects and customers. When they can see your face and hear your voice, they’ll feel like they know you better. This can help them warm up to doing business with you.

Third, vmail is more memorable than text-only email. People are more likely to remember something they’ve seen and heard than something they’ve just read.

Finally, vmail can be more persuasive than text-only email. A well-made vmail can make a strong impression and convince people to take the action you want them to take, now lets take a look at some statistics:

video email statistics

Vmail Marketing Statistics


Vmail marketing is one of the most effective ways to connect with customers and promote your brand. Here are some key statistics that show just how important video email marketing can be:

73% of consumers say that they are more likely to purchase a product or service after watching a video about it. (HubSpot, 2018)

67% of consumers say that video is the best way to discover new products. (ThinkWithGoogle, 2018)

64% of consumers say that they are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it. (Animoto, 2018)

51% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI. (HubSpot, 2018)

-Email marketing messages with video have an average open rate of 19%, compared to the average open rate of 13% for emails without video. (Wordstream, 2018)

-Video emails are more likely to be shared than other types of email content, with a click-through rate that is 5 times higher than that of traditional text-based emails. (Forrester, 2017)

As you can see, video email marketing is an extremely effective way to connect with consumers and promote your brand. If you’re not already using video in your email marketing campaigns, now is the time to start!

Video Mail ( VMail ) Top 14 Benefits For Business

VMail Top 14 Benefits For Business


 VMail can help you reach a wider audience:


  1. Video Mail is more engaging than traditional email, so your recipients are more likely to pay attention to your message.
  2. You can add a personal touch to your vmail by recording yourself, which can help build trust and rapport with potential customers.
  3. VMail is a great way to add an element of excitement or urgency to your marketing messages.
  4. You can track who watches your vmail and when, so you can gauge its effectiveness and make changes accordingly.
  5. VMail is relatively easy and inexpensive to produce, so it’s a great option for small businesses or those on a tight budget.
  6. Video Mail is a great way to stand out from the competition and make your marketing messages more memorable.
  7. You can use vmail to target specific segments of your audience with tailored messages.
  8. VMail is a versatile marketing tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, from product demonstrations to customer testimonials.
  9. Video Mail can help you build relationships with your customers and prospects, and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.
  10. VMail is a great way to increase website traffic and boost your SEO efforts.
  11. You can use vmail to generate leads, promote new products or services, or simply stay in touch with your customers.
  12. Video Mail can be used to nurture prospects until they’re ready to buy, and can even help close sales.
  13. VMail is an effective way to build brand awareness and connect with your target audience on a personal level.
  14. Video Mail is a powerful marketing tool that can help you achieve your business goals. Whether you’re looking to generate leads, boost sales, or just stay in touch with your customers, vmail can help you get the job done.


Vmails And Video Marketing

VMail, or video mail, is a type of marketing that uses videos to promote and sell products or services. This can be done through email, social media, or even on television. There are many benefits to using vmail as part of your marketing strategy, including the ability to reach a wider audience, the potential to increase sales, and the ability to create more engaging content.

When used correctly, vmail can be an incredibly powerful marketing tool. If you’re not sure how to get started with vmail, or if you’re looking for some inspiration, check out the following examples.

Email Marketing

One of the most common ways to use video mail for your business is through email marketing. This involves sending live action or explainer videos directly to your subscribers’ inboxes. Email is a great way to reach a wide audience, and vmail can help you stand out from the competition.

Social Media

Another great way to use vmail is through social media. This includes platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Social media is a great way to engage with your audience and get your vmails in front of potential customers.


Television Advertising

Vmail can also be used for television advertising. This involves creating promotional videos that air on TV. Television advertising can be expensive, but it’s a great way to reach a large audience.


VMail Its Definition and Benefits

– Video marketing or vmail uses videos to promote products or services (email, social media, television)

– Vmail has many benefits, including the ability to reach a wider audience, the potential to increase sales, and the ability to create more engaging content

Some examples of vmail usage include email marketing, social media advertising, and television advertising.


Video Mail For Business

How Does Video Content Increase Brand Awareness?


Video marketing is a powerful tool that can help increase brand awareness for your business. By creating engaging and informative videos, you can reach a wider audience and promote your products or services in a way that is both effective and entertaining.

Additionally, vmail (or video mail) can be used as a way to stay in touch with customers and clients, providing them with valuable information about your company.

Overall, video marketing is an excellent way to reach out to new and existing customers alike, and should be considered as part of any comprehensive marketing strategy.



How Does Video Content Enhance Your Viewer’s Experience?

Video can play a key role in enhancing the viewer’s experience by adding excitement and energy to your message. It can also help to add credibility and professionalism, which can make your message more persuasive.

Additionally, video wether its live or animated video can help to add an element of human interest, which can make your message more relatable and engaging. Ultimately, video can help to take your message to the next level and make it more impactful.

When it comes to vmail, video marketing can be an extremely effective tool. Video mail is a type of direct mail that uses video to deliver your message. This can be an incredibly powerful way to reach your target audience and get your message across in a more engaging and exciting way.

In addition, vmail can help to increase response rates and conversions by making your message more persuasive and compelling. If you’re looking for a way to take your marketing to the next level, vmail could be the perfect solution.

How Does Vmail Achieve Your Campaign Goals
How Does Vmail Achieve Your Campaign Goals?

Vmail is an interactive video marketing tool
that allows you to send personalized video messages to your customers and prospects. vmail makes it easy to connect with your audience on a personal level, and its video mail feature ensures that your message is delivered in a way that is both engaging and memorable.

With vmail, your business can easily create campaigns that are designed to achieve your specific marketing goals.


Video is More Measurable Than Any Other Marketing Channel.

In the current marketing landscape, video is more important and measurable than any other channel. vmail provides the ability to track views, clicks, and conversions, allowing marketers to see exactly how their video is performing. vmail also offers video analysis so that marketers can understand what is working and what isn’t.

With vmail, marketers have access to the most comprehensive video analytics in the industry.


Video is More Engaging Than Any Other Type of Content.

Engagement is key for any successful marketing campaign, and video is the most engaging type of content out there. People are far more likely to watch a video than they are to read an article or view a static image. Additionally, videos are more likely to be shared than any other type of content, meaning that they have the potential to reach a wide audience.


Video is the Most Effective Way to Reach Mobile Users.

Mobile users are increasingly hard to reach with traditional marketing methods. They are constantly on the go and their attention is divided between many different tasks. However, video is the perfect solution for reaching mobile users. People can watch videos while they are commuting, working out, or even just taking a break. Video is also more likely to be watched on a mobile device than it is on a desktop computer, making it the most effective way to reach this important demographic.


Vmail is the Best Way to Use Video in Marketing.

Video mail is the best video marketing platform because it is easy to use, offers comprehensive analytics, and is highly effective. vmail makes it easy to create and track videos, so that marketers can focus on creating great content. vmail’s video analysis is second to none, allowing marketers to see exactly how their videos are performing. vmail is also the most cost-effective video marketing platform, making it a great choice for any business.


Vmail is More Shareable and Watchable than Traditional Mail
VMail is More Shareable and Watchable than Traditional Mail

With vmail, you can include video content in your marketing messages, making them more engaging and shareable. Video mail is also more watchable than traditional mail, so you can keep your audience’s attention for longer. Plus, vmail is easy to create and send, so you can get started right away.

How to Use Vmail For Your Business
How to Use VMail For Your Business

Video marketing, or vmail, is a powerful tool that can be used to improve your business. By definition, vmail is a type of marketing that uses video to promote or market a product or service. It includes creating videos that are intended to be viewed by potential customers and then shared with others.


As discussed above there are many benefits of using vmail for your business. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that vmail allows you to reach a larger audience than traditional marketing methods. With vmail, you can share your video with people all over the world with just a few clicks.


Another great benefit of vmail is that it is an extremely effective way to connect with your target audience. When done correctly, vmail can be used to build trust and rapport with potential customers. If your vmail is informative and helpful, viewers will be more likely to do business with you in the future.


Vmail is also a great way to showcase your products or services in a new and exciting way. With vmail, you can give potential customers a behind-the-scenes look at your business, or show them how your products are made. This can help you attract new customers and keep existing ones coming back for more.


Finally, vmail is an affordable way to market your business. When compared to traditional marketing methods, vmail is extremely cost-effective. You can produce high-quality videos without breaking the bank, and vmail is a great way to reach a large audience without spending a lot of money.


10 Vmail Best Practices


1. Keep it short and sweet

2. Make sure the video is high quality

3. Use an eye-catching thumbnail image

4. Use a catchy subject line

5. Make sure the video is relevant to the recipient

6. Personalize the email

7. Use a positive tone

8. Be clear about what you want the recipient to do next

9. Include a call-to-action button

10. Test, test, test!

If you’re looking for a new and exciting way to market your business, video mail may be the perfect solution. With its many benefits, vmail is an affordable and effective way to reach a larger audience, build trust with potential customers, and showcase your products or services in a new and exciting way.


start using video mail for your business today
Start Using VMail For Your Business Today:


Assuming you would like tips on how to start using vmail for business:


  1. Determine what sort of messages you want to send with vmail. This could include announcements, updates, or even just personal messages to customers or clients.
  2. Find a vmail service that meets your needs. There are a variety of vmail services available, so be sure to do your research before selecting one.
  3. Create your vmail account and begin creating videos! Be sure to test out different video lengths, styles, and formats to see what works best for your business.
  4. Finally, don’t forget to promote your vmail channel! Be sure to share your videos on social media and other online platforms, and consider embedding vmail onto your website.

By following these steps above, you can start using vmail to enhance your business’s marketing strategy!



Top 10 Free Video Mail For Business Software and Services

Top 10 Free VMail For Business Software and Services


Vmail is slowly becoming a staple in many online businesses as it offers a personal touch that can be lacking in traditional text-based emails. Not only that, but video email can also be a great way to increase engagement and click-through rates.

Unfortunately, not all email providers offer video email capabilities and those that do often charge a premium for the service. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top 10 free video email software and services currently available.


  1. Covideo: Covideo is a video email software and services company. Our vmail platform enables you to record, send, and track video emails from your web browser or mobile device. We also offer video marketing services to help you create and distribute engaging video content that drives results. Their platform is easy to use and their team is there to help you every step of the way. Learn more about how vmail can help you connect and engage with your customers today.


  1. Video marketing: Video marketing is a great way to increase engagement and click-through rates. Email providers that offer video email capabilities often charge a premium for the service, but there are many free video marketing services available that can help you get started.


  1. Bonjoro:

    Bonjoro is the video email software and service designed to help businesses stand out and better connect with their customers. By allowing customers to record and send personal video messages, Bonjoro helps businesses add a personal touch that can make all the difference.

    Bonjoro is perfect for vmail, or video marketing. With vmail, businesses can send quick, personal video messages to customers and prospects without having to schedule a call or meeting. vmail is perfect for follow-ups, thank yous, or just plain check-ins.

    Plus, with Bonjoro’s video mail service, businesses can easily keep track of all their video email communications in one place. This makes it easy to follow up with customers and make sure they’re getting the personal attention they deserve.

    To learn more about vmail and video marketing, check out Bonjoro today. With Bonjoro, businesses can add a personal touch that can make all the difference.


  1. Vadoo: Vadoo is a video email software and service that helps businesses easily create and send video emails. It offers a wide range of features to help you create professional-looking videos, including templates, branding tools, and the ability to add your own logo. Vadoo also makes it easy to track who opens and watches your videos, so you can see which customers are engaging with your content.


  1.  CloudApp:

    CloudApp is a video email software and services provider. It offers vmail, video marketing, and video mail services. It enables businesses to create and deliver engaging video content via email. CloudApp provides a range of features and tools to help businesses create and deliver video content, including:

    – A library of ready-made video templates

    – A video editor to customize videos

    – A wide range of video file formats

    – Video hosting and delivery

    – Detailed analytics and reporting

    CloudApp vmail, video marketing, and video mail services can help businesses to improve their customer engagement and conversion rates. The software is easy to use and provides a range of features to help businesses create and deliver high-quality video content.


  1.  Quickpage: Quickpage is a Vmail service for business that allows you to record and send video messages. It is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, or to promote your business. Quickpage offers a variety of video marketing tools, including video mail templates, video editing software, and more.You can also use Quickpage to create beautiful video greeting cards. Quickpage is a great way to add a personal touch to your communication..


  1. Hippo Video: Hippo Video is the best video marketing platform that helps you create, send, and track your video emails. With Hippo Video, you can easily create engaging video emails that grab attention and drive results. Plus, our powerful tracking and analytics tools help you see who’s watching your videos and how they’re interacting with them.So whether you’re looking to boost your open rates, click-through rates, or engagement levels, Hippo Video can help.


  1.  Goto:

    Goto offers vmail software and services that make it easy to create and send engaging video messages. With their easy-to-use tools, you can createprofessional-looking videos in minutes, without any prior video production experience. And because their video email services are cloud-based, you can access your account from anywhere, at any time.

    With Gotos, you can easily create and send video emails that:

    – Engage your recipients with a personal touch

    – Deliver your message in a more engaging and visually appealing way

    – Save time by sending video messages instead of long email threads

    To learn more about their video email software and services, visit their website


  1.  BombBomb: BombBomb makes it easy to send vmail from Gmail, Outlook, iPhone, iPad, and Android. Their vmail services let you record and send video messages with the click of a button, and they provide all the tools you need to create professional-looking vmail that gets results.
  2. With BombBomb, you can easily add vmail to your marketing mix and start building relationships with your customers, prospects, and leads that last.


  1.  Loom

    Loom is one of the best Vmail software solutions for business and individuals. Their easy-to-use platform makes video email creation, sending, and tracking simple and efficient. Plus, our state-of-the-art video hosting ensures that your videos look great on any device.

    With Loom, you can send video emails to clients and prospects, record video messages for team members, or create video tutorials and screencasts. Their platform is perfect for anyone who wants to add a personal touch to their communications.

    Plus, their video analytics allow you to track who watches your videos and how long they watch for. This valuable data lets you see which video emails are most effective and make changes accordingly.

    If you’re looking for a video email platform that will take your business communications to the next level, look no further than Loom. Try their free trial today to see how easy and effective video email can be!


Top 10 Paid For Video Email Software and Services

Top 10 Paid For Vmail Software and Services For Business

Video email services provide a way to record and send video messages instead of traditional text-based emails. These services can be used for vlogging, customer service, lead generation, or other professional and personal purposes.

While there are many free video email services available, the paid options usually offer more features, storage, and support. In this article, we’ll take a look at the top 10 paid video email software and services currently available.



Hippo Video:

Hippo Video is an all-in-one video software that provides businesses with everything they need to create, edit, and share videos. Hippo Video has a wide range of features that make it the perfect tool for creating marketing videos, product demo videos, training videos, and more. With Hippo Video, you can easily create professional-looking videos that get results.

Hippo Video is the perfect Vmail for business of all sizes. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Hippo Video has the features and flexibility to meet your needs. Hippo Video is easy to use, and you can create videos in minutes with no prior experience.

Hippo Video provides businesses with all the tools they need to create, edit, and share videos. With Hippo Video, you can easily create professional-looking videos that get results.

Some of the features of Hippo Video include:

– A drag-and-drop interface that makes video creation easy

– A wide range of professional templates to choose from

– A library of stock footage and images to help you create your videos

– A built-in video editor with all the tools you need to create stunning videos

– A wide range of export options to share your videos with the world

Hippo Video is the perfect video software for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Hippo Video has the features and flexibility to meet your needs. Hippo Video is easy to use

There is no set cost for Hippo Video email, as it depends on the features and flexibility you need for your business. Contact Hippo Video for a custom quote.




2, Dubb:

Dubb Email’s main features include:

-A/B split testing


-Email list segmentation

-Dedicated IP addresses

-Tracking and reporting

-Integrations with popular CRMs

-Flexible pricing plans

Dubb Email is a paid email software and service that offers a suite of features to help businesses grow their email list, improve deliverability, and increase engagement with subscribers. A/B split testing, auto-responders, email list segmentation, dedicated IP addresses, tracking and reporting, and integrations with popular CRMs are just some of the features that Dubb Email offers.

Pricing plans are flexible and can be customized to fit the needs of any business.



3. Clearslide:

There are a number of great paid email software and services available that can help you manage your email more effectively. Clearslides is one such option that provides a variety of features to help you organize and manage your email.

Some of the features offered by Clearslides include the ability to create unlimited folders, set up automatic filters, and use a variety of tools to help you manage your email more effectively. In addition,

Clearslides also offers a number of different templates that you can use to create your own customized email messages. If you are looking for a great way to manage your email more effectively, then consider using Clearslides.



4. Biteable:

Biteable is an email software and service provider that helps businesses manage their email communications. Biteable offers a variety of features to help businesses automate their email marketing, including templates, contact management, reporting, and more. Biteable also provides a number of services to help businesses maximize their email campaigns, including consulting, training, and support.

Biteable offers a variety of pricing plans to fit the needs of any business:

Biteable’s basic plan starts at $19 per month and includes all of the essential features needed to manage email communications. For businesses that need more advanced features, Biteable offers a number of premium plans starting at $49 per month.

These plans include additional features such as automation, consultation, and support. Biteable also offers a number of custom plans for businesses with specific needs.

These plans are priced on a case-by-case basis. Contact Biteable for more information about custom pricing.



5. Rephrase:

There are many email software and services available that offer a variety of features. is one option that provides a paid service with several different features to help you get the most out of your email communications. With this software, you can easily create and send professional-looking emails without any design experience.

You can also track your email campaigns to see how they are performing and make changes as needed. In addition, offers a number of features that can help you automate your email communications, including automated responses and follow-ups. offers a variety of pricing plans, depending on the features and services you need. There is a free plan that includes basic features, as well as paid plans that offer more advanced features. The paid plans start at $15 per month for up to 500 contacts.

If you need more than 500 contacts, you can contact for a custom quote.


6. Viewbix:

Viewbix is a paid video email service that offers a range of features to help you improve your video marketing campaigns. These include customizable templates, branding tools, and detailed analytics. Prices start at $19 per month.

Viewbix is a paid email software service that offers a number of features to help you manage your email communications. These include a drag-and-drop email builder, automatic email delivery, and a number of other tools to help you manage your email list.

There is a free trial available, but Viewbix charges a monthly fee for full access to its features.


7. Vidyard:

Vidyard is a paid video email service that offers unlimited recording time, storage space, and a number of features to help you improve your video marketing campaigns. These include customizable templates, branding tools, and detailed analytics.

Prices start at $15 per month.


8. Wistia:

Wistia is a paid video mail for business service that offers unlimited recording time, storage space, and a number of features to help you improve your video marketing campaigns. These include customizable templates, branding tools, and detailed analytics.

Prices start at $25 per month.


9. Youzign:

Youzign is a paid video email service that offers unlimited recording time and storage space. It also provides a number of features designed to help you get the most out of your video emails, including templates, branding tools, and analytics.

Prices start at $19 per month.


10. Zoho:

Zoho is a paid video email service that offers unlimited recording time, storage space, and a number of features to help you improve your video marketing campaigns. These include customizable templates, branding tools, and detailed analytics.

Prices start at $12 per month.




Conclusion: VMail For Business – Ultimate Guide


Vmail for business is a powerful and engaging marketing tool that can help you connect with your customers on a deeper level. By using video mail for your business, you can create a more personal connection with potential and current customers, which can lead to more sales.

If you’re interested in adding video mail to your marketing strategy, contact us today. Our team of experts would be happy to help you get started!


Article by Nicole Delgado 2022 | CMO | Explainer Video Company | Animated Explainer Videos For Business


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