Why You Need Video in Your Customers Buying Journey


Why You Need Video in Your Customers Buying Journey




If you’re not using explainer videos or animated videos as part of your customer’s buying journey, you’re missing out on a crucial opportunity to engage and convert your audience. Here’s why you need video in your customer’s buying journey:

Video is an essential part of the modern buyer’s journey. In fact, according to Forrester, including video in an email can increase click-through rates by 300%. And video isn’t just for the top of the funnel anymore.

People are using video throughout the entire buying process, from researching a product to making a purchase.

Explainer videos and animated videos are especially effective at helping customers understand your product or service. They’re also great for building trust and credibility with your audience.



What Is The Customer Journey?

What Is The Customer Journey?

The customer journey is the process that customers go through when interacting with a company. It includes all touchpoints, from awareness to purchase and post-purchase.

Explainer video in your customers buying journey is a great way to engage customers and help them understand your product or service. Animated explainer videos in particular can be very effective at capturing attention and conveying information in an engaging way.

When creating explainer videos, it’s important to keep the customer journey in mind. You want to make sure that your video speaks to each stage of the journey, from awareness to purchase and beyond.

4 Stages of the Customer Journey:


The customer journey typically includes four main stages:


1. Awareness:

This is when the customer becomes aware of a problem or need that they have.

2. Consideration:

This is when the customer begins to research solutions to their problem or need.

3. Decision:

This is when the customer decides which product or service to purchase.

4. Post-purchase:

This is when the customer uses and evaluates the product or service.


Assuming that you want to create an explainer video in your customers buying journey that covers all four stages of the customer journey, here are a few tips to keep in mind:


1. For the awareness stage, your goal should be to capture attention and explain what your product or service is.

2. For the consideration stage, your goal should be to explain how your product or service works and why it’s the best solution for the customer’s problem or need.

3. For the decision stage, your goal should be to provide a clear call to action and explain any pricing or other important details.

4. For the post-purchase stage, your goal should be to thank the customer and encourage them to use and review your product or service.


Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be well on your way to creating an explainer video that covers all the bases. And don’t forget, animated explainer videos can be a great way to engage customers and convey information effectively. So if you’re considering this type of video, be sure to keep the customer journey in mind




Types of Videos Used At Each Stage Of The Customer Journey


Types of Videos Used At Each Stage Of The Customer Journey

As mentioned previously the customer journey is the process that customers go through when interacting with your company. It includes the steps a customer takes from when they first learn about your company to when they become a paying customer or client.

There are many different types of videos that you can create to support each stage of the customer journey. The type of video you create will depend on your goals, your audience, and the stage of the journey that they are in.


Awareness Stage

The awareness stage is when the customer is first learning about your company and its products or services. At this stage, the customer is trying to understand their problem and is looking for information about potential solutions.

Explainer videos are a great type of video to create for the awareness stage. These videos explain what your company does and how it can help solve the customer’s problem.


Consideration Stage

In the consideration stage, the customer is considering their options and is comparison shopping. They are looking for more information about the products or services that they are interested in and are trying to decide which is the best fit for them.

Product demonstration videos or testimonial videos are both great types of videos to create for the consideration stage. Product demonstration videos show how your product works and can help the customer understand its features and benefits. Testimonial videos feature customers who have used your product or service and are testifying to its quality. These videos can help build trust with potential customers.


Decision Stage

In the decision stage, the customer is ready to make a purchase and is looking for reassurance that they are making the right choice. They want to know that they can trust your company and that they will be happy with their purchase.

Product demonstration videos or testimonial videos are both great types of videos to create for the decision stage as well. These types of videos can help reassure the customer that they are making the right choice and that they will be happy with their purchase.

If you’re not sure which type of video to create for your customer journey stage, the next section which goes into detail to help you determine the best type of video for your needs.



What Are The Different Types Of Explainer Videos?

What Are The Different Types Of Explainer Videos


There are a few different types of explainer videos you can use in in your customers buying journey each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a quick overview of the most popular types:


1. Animated explainer videos: These are probably the most popular type of explainer video, as they’re highly engaging and can communicate complex concepts in a simple way. However, they can be expensive to produce and can require a lot of time to create.

2. Live action video explainers: These videos are typically lower budget than animated explainer videos, but can still be very effective. They often feel more relatable and realistic, which can make them more persuasive. However, live-action explainer videos can sometimes come across as too sales-y.

3. Whiteboard explainer videos: These explainer videos are a mix of live action and animation, and often use hand-drawn illustrations to explain concepts. Whiteboard animations can be very effective at breaking down complex ideas, but can also be quite costly to produce.

4. Kinetic typography video explainers: These explainer videos use animated text to explain concepts, and are often used to communicate statistics or data-heavy information. They can be quite effective, but can also be quite difficult to produce well.

5. Customer journey explainer videos: These explainer videos follow the journey of a customer as they interact with a product or service. They’re often used to show how a product or service works and can be very persuasive. However, product videos can be quite difficult to produce if you don’t have access to customer testimonials or customer footage.

6. Infographic animated videos: These explainer videos use animated graphics and data visualisations to explain concepts. They can be very effective at breaking down complex information, but can also be quite time-consuming to produce.

7. How To Videos: As customers move through their buying journey, they typically progress from awareness to consideration to decision. At each stage, they encounter different challenges and questions. And as they search for answers, the type of content that is most helpful to them changes.

How-to videos can be particularly helpful during the consideration and decision stages of the customer buying journey. That’s because they provide a way for customers to see your product or service in action and understand how it can address their specific needs.


Consider creating how-to videos that explain:


-How to use your product or service

-How to solve a problem that your product or service addresses

-Why your product or service is better than others on the market


Make sure to promote your how-to videos throughout your marketing channels and on your website so that customers can easily find them when they need them. By providing helpful, informative content at every stage of the customer journey, you can increase the likelihood that they’ll choose your product or service when they’re ready to buy.


How To Use Video After The Buyer’s Journey

How To Use Video After The Buyer’s Journey

Your video explainer doesn’t have to end when the sale is made
. You can use video to stay in touch with your customers and continue building your relationship after the purchase.


Here are some ideas for using video post-purchase:


1. Send a thank you video

2. Provide customer support

3. Ask for feedback

4. Introduce new products

5. Offer exclusive content or deals

6. Share company news

7. Celebrate customer successes


Sending a thank you video is a great way to show your customers that you appreciate their business. You can also use this opportunity to provide them with helpful information, such as how to use your product or service.

Customer support is another important way to use video post-purchase. If you have a complex product or service, consider creating explainer videos that show your customers how to get the most out of it. You can also use video to answer frequently asked questions or address common customer concerns.

Asking for feedback is a great way to get insights into what your customers think about your product or service. You can use this information to improve your offerings and make sure that your customers are happy with their purchases.

Introducing new products is a great way to keep your customers engaged with your brand. You can use video to show off your latest offerings and explain why your customers will love them.

Offering exclusive content or deals is a great way to show your appreciation for your customer’s loyalty. You can use video to share special offers or give your customers access to exclusive content, such as behind-the-scenes footage or product demonstrations.

Sharing company news is a great way to keep your customers up-to-date on what’s going on with your business. You can use video to announce new products, share updates on your company’s growth, or give an inside look at your team and culture.

Celebrating customer successes is a great way to show that you value your customers’ successes. You can use video to share customer success stories, highlight how your products or services have helped them achieve their goals, or simply thank them for their business.


Video is a powerful tool that you can use to stay in touch with your customers and build relationships even after the sale is made. By using video post-purchase, you can show your appreciation for your customers, provide helpful support, and keep them engaged with your brand.



Conclusion: Video in Your Customers Buying Journey

Video in The Customers Buying Journey

Video is one of the most powerful mediums you can use to connect with your customers and help them through their buying journey
. It’s personal, engaging, and informative all at the same time.

When used correctly, video can help increase trust in your brand and encourage potential buyers to take that final step in completing a purchase.

If you’re not using video as part of your marketing strategy yet, now is the time to start. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you implement animated explainer videos into your sales funnel for better results.


Article by Nicole Delgado 2022 | Marketing Manager | Explainer Video Company | Animated Explainer Video Production


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