Top 12 Real Estate Video Marketing Ideas

animated explainer videos for real estate


Table of Contents


Real Estate Video Marketing Video is a powerful marketing tool that every real estate professional should be utilizing. But with so many different ways to use video, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this complete guide to essential real estate video marketing.


In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about using video to market your business, including:


Why video is such a powerful marketing tool

The different types of videos you can produce

How to come up with video ideas that will engage your audience

Tips for creating high-quality videos on a budget

And more!


By the end of this guide, you’ll have all the information you need to start using video to market your business like a pro. So let’s get started!



real estate explainer video ultimate guide

Why Video is Such a Powerful Marketing Tool


There are many reasons why video is such a powerful marketing tool. But perhaps the most important reason is that video is an effective way to connect with your audience.

Just think about the last time you watched a video online. What was it, and why did you watch? Chances are, you were either looking for information, or you wanted to be entertained in some way.

Video is an ideal medium for providing just that – giving your audience what they want while also communicating your message.

In addition to being a great way to connect with your audience, video marketing is also incredibly versatile. There are many different types of videos you can produce, and each one can be used in a multitude of ways.

Let’s dive in and look at some of the main types of real estate videos, as well as some ideas for how you can use them.




The Different Types of Videos You Can Produce


As a real estate professional, there are many different types of videos you can produce to market your business. Here are just a few ideas:


Property Videos:

Showcase a particular property that’s for sale or rent with a video tour. These videos can be used on your website, social media, or even sent to potential buyers or renters directly.

Showcase a particular property that’s for sale or rent with a video tour. These videos can be used on your website, social media, or even sent to potential buyers or renters directly.


Client Testimonials:

Client testimonials are a great way to build trust and credibility. Ask past clients to record a short video testimonial that you can use on your website, social media, or in marketing materials.



Area Guides:

Produce a video that showcases the best that a particular area has to offer. These videos can be used to market a specific property, or just to attract attention to an area that you specialize in.



Tips and Advice Videos:

Share your expert knowledge with your audience by creating videos with tips and advice related to buying, selling, or renting property. These videos can be used on your website or social media, or even repurposed into blog posts.


FAQ Videos:

Provide answers to questions that are commonly asked of you in order to reduce the number of calls and emails you receive. FAQ videos can be placed directly on your website, sent as a link in an email, or shared on social media.


Market Updates:

Keep your audience up-to-date on the latest news and trends in the real estate market with regular market update videos. These videos can be used on your website, social media, or even sent out as a newsletter.


As you can see, there are many different types of videos you can produce to market your real estate business. And each one can be used in a variety of ways to reach your target audience.




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real estate ulitimate success guide

How To Use Video to Market Your Real Estate Business


There are endless possibilities for how you can use video to market your real estate business. But here are just a few ideas to get you started:



Use Videos to Market Individual Properties

Real estate videos are a great way to showcase the features, benefits, and allure of a particular property. You can use these types of videos on your website, in email marketing campaigns, or even as direct links sent to potential buyers and renters.

If you don’t currently have professional property videos for each listing, consider hiring an experienced videographer to produce them for you. This will make it easy for potential clients and customers to view your properties online!


Use Videos in Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing is a great tool that almost every small business owner uses — and real estate professionals are no exception! One tactic that many real estate professionals use is to send monthly or quarterly newsletters to their database of past clients, potential clients, and referral partners.

These newsletters typically include market updates, new listings, and other timely information.

You can use video to make your email marketing campaigns even more effective by including a video clip in each newsletter. Just be sure that the video you include is relevant to the theme or focus of that particular newsletter.

For example, if you’re sending a market update newsletter, consider including a short video clip with your update. This will give your audience a chance to consume your content in multiple ways — both through reading and watching!





real estate guide

Use Videos on Your Website


Your website is one of the most important tools you have for marketing your real estate business. It’s often the first impression potential clients and customers have of you and your company, so it’s important to make sure it’s up-to-date and accurate.

In addition to keeping your website content fresh, you should also consider adding videos to your site. Videos are a great way to engage visitors and provide them with information about your business in an entertaining and easy-to-consume format.


You can use videos on your website in a variety of ways, such as:

On your homepage: Use a video on your homepage to introduce yourself, share your company’s story, or showcase some of your listings. This is a great way to give visitors a quick overview of your business and what you have to offer.

Use a video on your homepage to introduce yourself, share your company’s story, or showcase some of your listings. This is a great way to give visitors a quick overview of your business and what you have to offer.


On your About page:

A video on your About page is a great way to let visitors get to know you and your team. This is also an opportunity to share your company’s mission and values with website visitors.


On listing pages:

Include a video on your listing pages to give potential clients and customers a more in-depth view of what the property has to offer. You can also consider including a video tour link as part of your marketing package, which is a great way to show off that listing! In news articles or blog posts:

If you regularly post news, market updates, or other related content on your website’s blog or news section, consider adding an accompanying video to accompany these articles. This is a great way to break up the text and keep readers engaged with your content.


Post Videos on Social Media:

Social media is another important marketing tool for real estate professionals. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram provide you with an easy way to connect with past clients, potential clients, and referral partners — all while building your brand awareness.


You can use video to make your social media posts even more engaging and effective. Just be sure to post your videos on the platform or platforms that makes the most sense for your business.

For example, if you’re targeting potential homebuyers who are searching for their dream home on Instagram, consider posting videos of homes that are currently for sale.

This is a great way to give these individuals a sneak peek of what’s on the market and potentially generate some leads in the process!


You can also use video to give your social media followers a behind-the-scenes look at your business. For example, you could post videos of you and your team working together, attending industry events, or out and about in the community.

This is a great way to show off your company culture and let potential clients get to know you and your team on a personal level.



Video Live Stream Open Houses or Events:


Video open houses are an important part of any real estate professional’s marketing strategy — but they’re not always convenient for everyone to attend. That’s where live streaming comes in!

Live streaming is a great way to give potential clients and customers a front-row seat to your open houses and events, even if they can’t be there in person.

You can use live streaming platforms like Facebook Live or Instagram Live to share video of your open houses and events with your online audience in real-time. This is a great way to generate some buzz around your listing or event and attract more leads!



real estate explainer video

Create Video Ads


Video advertising is another great way to promote your brand and generate leads online. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube provide you with an easy way to reach potential clients and customers where they’re already spending time — all while promoting your brand and generating leads.

Just be sure to create video ads that are relevant to your target audience and include a clear call-to-action so viewers know what to do next.

You can also consider using retargeting to show your video ads to individuals who have already engaged with your brand in some way, such as visiting your website or watching one of your videos.

This is a great way to keep your brand top-of-mind and generate more leads!



Create Instructional or “How To” Explainer Videos:

Instructional or “How To” videos are another great way to use video to market your business. These types of videos provide viewers with helpful tips, tricks, and information that they can use in their everyday lives.

They’re also a great way to position yourself as an expert in your field and attract potential clients and customers who are in need of your services.

You can create instructional videos on any topic that’s relevant to real estate. For example, you could create videos about the home buying or selling process, tips for maintaining a home, or even tutorials for DIY projects that buyers may want to tackle after moving into their new homes.

Just be sure to make your content as engaging and helpful as possible so viewers will continue watching until the very end!


Promote Video Ads on Google Ads:

Google Ads is another great marketing tool for real estate professionals — but it’s not exactly free! You have to pay when someone clicks on one of your text ads, making it important to make these ads count. One way to do this is to use video ads instead of traditional text ads.

Video ads are more engaging than text ads, which means they’re more likely to capture someone’s attention as they scroll through their search results.

They also provide you with an opportunity to show off your personality and build trust with potential clients — two things that are essential in the real estate industry.

Just be sure to create video ads that are relevant to your target audience and include a clear call-to-action so viewers know what to do next!


Share Video Reviews from Previous Clients:


Client testimonials and reviews are important in any industry — but they’re especially important in the real estate industry. After all, buying or selling a home is a big decision — one that potential clients will want to be sure they’re comfortable with before moving forward.


Video testimonials and reviews from past clients are even more powerful than written reviews because they provide viewers with an opportunity to see and hear your past clients talk about their experience working with you.

You can post these videos on your website, social media channels, or even create a video playlist on YouTube. Just be sure to include a link back to your website so viewers can easily find your contact information if they’re interested in working with you!


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real estate video explainers
Repurpose Video Content for Social Media


Social media is another important marketing tool for real estate professionals — one that you can’t afford to ignore. But with so many different channels available, it can be difficult to know where you should spend your time and energy!

However, one of the benefits of video is that you can easily repurpose content across social media platforms.

For example, if you have a webinar that covers the basics of buying or selling a home, you could create several shorter videos based on this webinar and share them on your Facebook page or Instagram stories.

You could also use this same content as talking points in a series of live videos on Facebook Live or Instagram Live for quick tips about real estate.


Join an Influencer Marketing Campaign

Influencer marketing campaigns can be an effective way to market your real estate business — but only if you have the right influencers!

These are people who have a large social media following and can influence potential clients to work with you.

For example, you may want an influencer on Instagram or YouTube who is in your target audience and has a large number of followers because their audience may include potential buyers or sellers who are looking for help buying or selling homes.

Just be sure to vet any influencers carefully before agreeing to join an influencer marketing campaign. In addition to having a large number of followers, they should also align with your values and branding. Otherwise, they won’t be able to effectively promote you!


Host Online Webinars About Home Buying and Selling

Webinars are another fantastic way to reach potential clients who may be interested in buying or selling a home. But how can you stand out from the thousands of other real estate professionals hosting webinars? The answer is simple: Make your webinars as engaging and informative as possible!

To do this, try sharing general information about home buying or selling during your webinar, but leave plenty of time for Q&A at the end so that attendees can ask specific questions about their situation.

In addition, consider giving away free resources related to home buying or selling during the webinar! This could include an video training content eBooks on preparing for a home inspection or packing tips when moving from one home to another.

By providing valuable information along with an opportunity to ask questions, you’ll improve your chances of getting more signups for future webinars.


video storytelling for business

Work with an Video Agency That Specializes in Real Estate Marketing

As a real estate professional, marketing may not be your favorite thing to do — but it’s essential if you want to grow your business!


However, simply having a website or email list isn’t enough to stand out from the competition; you need a full-fledged video marketing strategy that includes multiple strategies and channels.

If you find yourself stuck and unsure about where to start when it comes to real estate marketing, don’t hesitate to work with an agency that specializes in real estate video marketing.


These agencies often have a wide range of experience helping other real estate professionals achieve their goals. Plus, they’ll be able to help you figure out what marketing strategies are right for your business and then put together a plan that includes multiple channels!


Attend Relevant Events in Your Area

In addition to hosting your own events, it’s important to attend the events that are relevant to your business as well!

Attending local real estate trade shows, networking events, and community gatherings is a great way to get your name out there utlize your video content and connect with potential clients.


To make the most of your time at events, be sure to bring plenty of business cards and video marketing materials to show. You should also take the time to speak with as many people as possible — even if they’re not interested in buying or selling a home, they may know someone who is.

Finally, don’t forget to follow up with the contacts you make after the event!



Make Sure All of Your Video Content is High-Quality

When you’re trying to market your real estate business, it’s important to make sure that all of your video marketing materials are high-quality.

If you’re not sure where to start, consider working with a professional video marketing agency to create high-quality video content that you can confidently use to market your real estate business. Remember, first impressions matter — so make sure yours count!


animated explainer video company

How To Produce Awesome Real Estate Listing Videos :


Real estate listing videos are a powerful tool that can help you sell properties faster and for more money. But how do you create an awesome real estate listing video?

In this section of this article, we’ll show you how to create an awesome real estate listing video that will help you sell your property faster and for more money.


1. Start by gathering high-quality photos and video footage of the property. These should be taken from different angles and perspectives, so viewers can see the property in its entirety. You may also want to consider including drone footage, which can give your listing a professional touch.

2. Next, you’ll need to write a compelling script for your video. This should include a brief overview of the property, along with any unique features or selling points. You’ll also want to consider including a call to action at the end of your video, such as asking viewers to contact you for more information.

3. Once you’ve created your script, it’s time to find a video production company who can help you professionally produce your efforts and bring your vision to life. They should be able to edit the footage you’ve gathered and add any special effects or music that will make your video more engaging.

4. Finally, once your video is complete, be sure to promote it across your social media channels and on your website. You may also want to consider paying to advertise your listing video on platforms like YouTube and Facebook, where it can reach a wider audience.



At the end of the day, if you want to create an awesome real estate listing video that will help you sell your property faster and for more money, it’s important to start with high-quality photos and footage, write a compelling script, find a talented video production company, and promote the video across your various channels.

With the right approach, you can create an engaging listing video that will help you stand out from the competition and get more leads.



top 10 property animations

Top 10 Best Real Estate Animated Explainer Videos


Investing in an animated explainer video is one of the most effective ways to market your business. The technology sector has long employed this type advertising tool, which works well for large companies like Google or Facebook but can also help smaller organizations get their word out too!

Real Estate Animated videos are great because they provide momentum-driven entertainment while still engaging customers with fast forwardability – all at no cost beside time spent creating them (which should be minimal).

Whether you’re looking into buying property management services, building construction etc you simply cant go wrong.



Lets take a look at stunning and creative animated video examples to inspire you !



About Scioto Properties – Animated Marketing Video

The use of storytelling in real estate marketing is not a new concept. In fact, it’s been proven that when we listen to an engaging narrative our brain waves sync with the storyteller and this makes us more susceptible as if they were speaking directly into your ear! This by Scioto Properties video narrative is an excellent example of how storytelling can be used to produce a charming and persuasive real estate explainer video.



Discover a Better Place To Call Home – Marketing Explainer Video Animation

Visual storytelling is a worldwide language that, when done correctly, can reach everyone with your message.

This is one of the most beautiful real estate animations, and it paints a wonderful picture about what options are available through EYA. This amazing cartoon teaches us that if you’re precise enough with your descriptions then people will be able to understand everything much easier than before because they were just reading words on a page!



Redfin Explainer Animation Video

With the help of Redfin’s Visualizer, an educating Redfin Agent lays down how much money you need to buy a property.

He offers clarity on what it’ll take – from earnest cash and closing costs–without going into too many details plus there are other expenses that may surprise even savvy homebuyers such as title insurance which protect against any mortgages with high enough interest rates for those who don’t want their new homes paid off quickly.

It’s easy using our calculate tool; just input some basic info about yourself like annual income.



AgentFire Marketing Explainer Video

The real estate agent is portrayed as a character in this video game and up against two wicked giants. AgentFire has created brave HyperLocal websites for local agents to support their cause with hyperlocal web design that might be dangerous, but it’s worth sticking with because of how entertaining the graphics are- especially when you consider what could have been done without them!



Property Works – Real Estate Video Marketing

There’s something about this real estate animation video from Property Works that really stands out. It has the perfect combination of style and substance to make it memorable for your audience, but you should never take them too seriously or depart entirely with what they’re used-to seeing on other businesses’ websites – after all we want our customers remember us!

Though it may seem like a daunting task, the process of acquiring new property becomes entertaining when you break all rules and make some unconventional moves.

This will remove any bad connotations that people have in their mind about what goes on in this industry!


Property Force – 2D Animated Video

The Property Force The PropertyForce explainer video is an example of how 2D graphics can be used to illustrate complex real estate services. In this case, the specialised service provides help for those who want buy or sell property through their proprietary software platform that efficiently streamlines investing process – all in an effort towards making it easier than ever before!



Apartment List Explainer Animation Video

Apartment List is an apartment rental platform that makes the process fair and transparent for everyone. The explainer motion graphic created by Apatment list perfectly conveys their concerns about transparency while also providing insight into how they operate, with delicate color combinations used in combination witty voice over narration which might keep you riveted!



Private Property at Scale – Motion Graphic Explainer Video

Agents who want to stay competitive in their markets might need a video that can concisely summarize all of the benefits they offer. This is where our real estate explainer comes into play! Not only does it have enough information for potential clients, but also makes them excited about what’s available at your company – giving you more sales opportunities than ever before

It may seem like there are plenty other ways around this problem--but not when we take advantage by using high quality animated videos as opposed ot written text alone (which many people find difficult). With so much competition out onthe market right now vying for attention – Commercial Real Estate Video Marketing

You may have never thought about it before, but there are plenty of reasons to use – from their amazing animation examplifying how video can convey information better than text ever could!

When people search for neighborhoods and get recommendations based on what they need in a new home or office space (followed by referrals made by knowledgeable real estate agents), this website truly does provide value all around; not only do we know more specific areas where potential clients live But also these searchers might convince you why using our service would benefit YOUR business too


Real Property Management Animated Explainer Video

Fantastic highly entertaining motion graphics animation keeps your attention for sure ! Whether you have a single rental home or multiple investment properties, trust the professionals at your local Real

Property Management office to manage your real estate assets. Professional guidance and rigorous processes help you get the best rental rates and quality tenants who stay longer and take care of your property.



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These days, it seems like every business owner has to create a video and most of them are using this as an opportunity for marketing. But what about real estate? If you want your company’s services or product seen in the best light possible when discussing with potential clients then we can help!


Our skilled strategists will work closely together so that each client gets their desired outcome – whether effective storytelling through visuals on screen combined by voiceover narration; creating bounce-back scripts based around feedback from target audiences.




As you can see, video marketing is a powerful tool that real estate agents should be using to increase their visibility and grow their business.


If you’re interested in learning more about how video marketing can benefit your real estate career, or if you need help getting started, don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to share our expertise and help you get on the path to success.

explainer video company

Article by Nicole Delgado 2024 | Marketing Manager | Explainer Video Company | Animated Explainer Video Production




FAQ for Top 12 Real Estate Video Marketing Ideas


  1. Q: Why focus on video marketing in real estate?

    • A: Videos enhance property visibility, engage clients, and convey the unique aspects of each listing effectively.
  2. Q: Are these ideas suitable for any real estate market?

    • A: Yes, the strategies are versatile and can be adapted to various markets, catering to different property types.
  3. Q: How can I get started with real estate video marketing?

    • A: Begin by exploring our Top 12 ideas, then choose the ones that align with your property and target audience.
  4. Q: Do I need professional equipment for video marketing?

    • A: While professional equipment is beneficial, you can start with a smartphone and gradually invest as you see positive results.
  5. Q: Are these ideas applicable for both residential and commercial properties?

    • A: Absolutely. The concepts can be tailored to showcase the unique features of both residential and commercial real estate.
  6. Q: Can I use these ideas on social media platforms?

    • A: Yes, many of the ideas are designed to be easily shareable on popular social media platforms, maximizing your reach.
  7. Q: How can real estate videos help in building a brand?

    • A: Consistent use of engaging videos establishes a memorable brand, creating a strong connection with potential clients.
  8. Q: Are there tips for optimizing videos for search engines?

    • A: Yes, the article includes insights on optimizing video content for search engines, enhancing discoverability.
  9. Q: Can I use these ideas for virtual property tours?

    • A: Absolutely! Many of the ideas can be adapted for virtual tours, providing a comprehensive experience for remote clients.
  10. Q: How often should I incorporate video marketing into my strategy?

    • A: Regularly integrating video marketing into your strategy keeps your content fresh and engages your audience consistently.
  11. Q: Are there examples of successful real estate video marketing campaigns?

    • A: The article discusses successful case studies, offering insights into effective real estate video marketing campaigns.
  12. Q: Can I combine multiple ideas for a comprehensive marketing approach?

    • A: Yes, combining different ideas can create a diverse and compelling marketing approach, catering to various client preferences.



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Explainer Videos For Virtual Reality (VR)


Top 10 Best Real Estate Explainer Videos





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