Streamline Your Team with Internal Communication Videos


Benefits Of Internal Communication Videos



Internal videos are either live action or animated explainer videos that are created for and by a company’s employees. These videos can be used for training, marketing, or general information purposes. Internal videos are usually accessible only to employees and may not be shared with the public.


Some companies use internal video-sharing platforms like Intranet TV to make sure that these videos are only seen by employees. Other companies may simply post their internal videos on their company’s website or intranet.


Internal videos can be a great way to communicate with employees and ensure that everyone is on the same page. They can also be used to train new employees or provide updates on company news and policies.


If your company is considering creating live action or animated explainer videos for your internal communications, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to decide who will create the videos and who will have access to them. You’ll also need to determine what type of information you want to include in the videos and how often they should be updated.


Creating internal videos can be a great way to improve communication and collaboration within your company. With a little planning, you can ensure that your internal videos are informative and useful for all employees.




Why Companies Use Video In Their Internal Communications Strategy

Why Companies Use Video In Their Internal Communications Strategy

Video is a powerful internal communications tool
that can help you connect with employees and build a strong company culture. When used effectively, video can help you communicate your company’s mission and values, share important news and announcements, and engage employees in your corporate culture.


There are many reasons to use video in your internal communications strategy. Here are just a few:


1. Video is an engaging medium that can capture attention and hold interest.

2. Video is a great way to disseminate information quickly and efficiently.

3. Video helps create a sense of connection and community among employees.

4. Video can humanize your corporate brand and make it more relatable to employees.

5. Video can be used to train and onboard new employees.

6. Video can help you drive employee engagement and participation in company initiatives.

7. Video is a flexible medium that can be used in a variety of internal communications contexts.

8. Video analytics can give you valuable insights into how your employees are engaging with your content.

9. Video provides an opportunity for two-way communication, allowing employees to provide feedback and contribute to the conversation.

10. Video is an effective internal communications tool that can help you connect with employees and build a strong company culture. When used effectively, video can help you communicate your company’s mission and values, share important news and announcements, engage employees in your corporate culture, and drive employee engagement and participation in company initiatives.


If you’re looking for ways to improve your internal communications strategy, video is a great place to start.


It’s an engaging, efficient, and versatile medium that can help you achieve a variety of objectives. And with the right approach, you can use video to create a strong connection between employees and your corporate brand, lets now look at the benefits of internal video commmunications.




What Are The Advantages of Internal Communication Videos

What Are The Benefits Of Internal Communication Videos?


1. Internal communication videos can help improve employee engagement by providing a forum for employees to share their thoughts, ideas and suggestions with management in a safe and controlled environment.

2. Internal communication videos can also help promote a positive corporate culture and image, by highlighting the company’s achievements and successes, as well as showcasing employees’ pride in their work.

3. Additionally, internal videos can be used as a tool for training and education, helping employees to better understand company policies and procedures.

4. Finally, internal videos can serve as an effective marketing tool, promoting the company’s products and services to potential customers.


Further on this in greater detail below:



What Are The Types Of Internal Communication Videos?

What Are The Types Of Internal Communication Videos?

There are several types of internal communication videos
they are typically either live action or animated explainer videos :


1. Introductory or “welcome” videos: These videos introduce new employees to the company, its mission and values, and provide an overview of what to expect in their new role.


2. Training videos: Training videos help employees learn about company policies, procedures, and processes. They can be used for onboarding new hires or ongoing employee development.

There are many advantages to using training videos in your internal communications strategy. Training videos can either be live video or explainer video training videos and can be used to:

Provide employees with a clear and concise overview of company policies and procedures

-Familiarize employees with new products or services

-Demonstrate how to use new technologies or software applications

-Encourage employee compliance with safety regulations

-Promote team building and collaboration


When used effectively, training videos can help employees feel more engaged and motivated in their work. If you’re considering using training or “how to” videos in your internal communications strategy, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

-Choose a format that will be easy for employees to access and view.

-Make sure the videos are high-quality and professionally produced.

-Keep the videos short and to the point.

-Include interactive elements, such as quizzes or polls, to keep employees engaged.

-Encourage employees to provide feedback on the videos.


If you’re looking for a way to improve employee engagement and communication in your company, training videos may be the perfect solution. By following these tips, you can ensure that your training videos are effective and engaging for employees.


3. Product launch videos: If your company is launching a new product or service, an internal product launch video can help employees understand what it is and how it works. This type of video can also be used to promote employee buy-in and excitement about the new offering.

When you’re launching a new product, it’s important to get everyone on board with your vision.


Explainers videos are a great example on how to do this. They can help explain the product, how it works, and why it’s important in a way that is engaging and easy to understand.


Animated explainer videos are particularly effective in getting your message across. They can be fun and engaging, while still conveying complex information in a way that is easy to understand.


If you’re considering using explainer videos in your internal communications strategy, here are a few things to keep in mind:


a. Make sure the video is high quality and professionally produced. This will help ensure that your employees take the video seriously and don’t write it off as a cheap marketing gimmick.

b. Keep the video short and to the point. Employees are busy and don’t have time to watch a long, drawn-out video. Get your key points across clearly and concisely.

c. Focus on the benefits of the product. explainer videos are a great way to get employees excited about a new product launch. Highlight how the product will make their lives easier or improve their workflows.

d. Use humor sparingly. A little bit of humor can go a long way in making your explainer video more engaging. However, too much humor can be off-putting and make your video seem unprofessional.

e. Include a call to action. At the end of your explainer video, include a call to action for employees. This could be something like visiting your product website or signing up for a free trial.

By following these tips, you can produce explainer videos that will be valuable internal communications tools for your next product launch.


4. Company culture videos: Company culture videos highlight the unique aspects of your company’s culture and can be used to attract new employees or retain current ones.


5. Employee recognition videos: These internal communication videos celebrate employee accomplishments and show appreciation for a job well done. They can be used to boost morale and motivate employees to continue doing their best work.


6. Safety videos: Safety videos help employees learn about potential hazards in the workplace and how to avoid them. They can be used to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, and to improve overall workplace safety.


7. Change management videos: Change management videos help employees understand and adapt to changes in the workplace, such as new policies, procedures, or technologies. They can be used to promote a smooth transition to new systems or processes, and to reduce employee resistance to change.


8. Communications policy videos: Communications policy videos help employees understand your company’s communication policies, such as how and when to use email, social media, or other communications tools. They can be used to promote compliance with company policies and procedures, and to reduce the risk of miscommunication or misunderstanding.


9. Crisis management videos: Crisis management videos help employees prepare for and respond to potential crises, such as natural disasters, data breaches, or workplace violence. They can be used to improve employee safety and security, and to ensure a quick and effective response in the event of an emergency.


10. Employee testimonial videos: These internal communication videos feature employees sharing their personal stories about why they love working for your company. They can be used to attract new employees or to Retain and motivate current ones.


11. Explainer Videos:

There are a number of advantages to using explainer videos in your internal communications strategy. They can help to simplify complex topics, engage employees and increase understanding.

Explainer videos can be used to communicate a variety of messages to employees, including company updates, changes in policy or procedure, or training on new products or services. When used correctly, explainer videos can help to improve employee engagement and understanding. Here are a few production tips on how to use explainer videos effectively in your internal communications strategy:


1. Keep it short and sweet

When it comes to internal communications, employees often have limited time and attention spans. As such, it’s important to keep your explainer videos short and to the point. Aim for videos that are 1-2 minutes in length, and focus on delivering a single message.


2. Use engaging visuals

In order to capture and keep employees’ attention, it’s important to use engaging visuals in your explainer videos. This could include using animation, infographics or other creative visuals.


3. Make it relatable

When creating internal communication videos, try to make them relatable to your employees. This could mean using examples that they can easily relate to, or addressing common pain points that they may have.


4. Use a clear and concise script

The script for your explainer video should be clear and concise, and should avoid using industry jargon where possible. Instead, focus on using language that is easy to understand and will resonate with your employees.


5. Test before you roll out

Before rolling out your explainer videos to all employees, it’s important to test them first. This could involve showing the videos to a small group of employees and getting their feedback. This will help you to make any necessary changes before the videos are seen by everyone.

By following this explainer video guide, you can ensure that your explainer videos are effective and have a positive impact on your internal communications strategy.

When selecting internal communication videos for your company, it is important to consider your audience, your budget, and your objectives. The most effective videos are those that are well-planned and executed, and that align with your company’s overall communications strategy.



Top 5 Best Internal Communication Videos:


Acuvate Software – Animated Explainer Video:



HR360 Explainer Video:



McDonalds Orientation – Video Explainer – Internal Communication Videos




Apple Recruitment Explainer Video – Internal Communication Videos



Employee Onboarding Video Explainer | DriveTime – Internal Communication Videos


Conclusion: Benefits Of Internal Communication Videos

Conclusion:  What Are Internal Communication Videos

Internal communication videos are a great way to keep your employees in the loop.
They can also be used to train new employees, or as a refresher course for veteran staff. If you’re looking for a cost-effective and efficient way to improve communication within your company, consider using internal communication videos.


Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create engaging and informative video content that will get your employees excited about learning!


Article by Nicole Delgado 2022 | Marketing Manager | Explainer Video Company | Animated Explainer Video Production



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