How To Plan And Distribute Your Video Content


How To Plan And Distribute Your Video Content


Creating animated explainer videos is a great way to get your message across, but once you’ve made your video, how do you ensure that people will actually see it? Video distribution is key to making sure that your target audience has a chance to view your content.

In this article on how to plan and distribute your video content we offer a few basic tips on how to plan and distribute your animated explainer video:

It can be difficult to determine how often you should release new video content and what kind of content your audience will want to see. However, by following a few simple guidelines, you can create a video content strategy that will keep your viewers engaged and coming back for more:


1. Decide on a Frequency

How often you release new videos will depend on a number of factors, such as the type of content you’re creating, your audience’s appetite for new content, and the amount of time and resources you have to produce videos. If you’re just getting started with video, it’s probably best to start with a once-a-week release schedule. As you become more comfortable with video production and your audience grows, you can increase the frequency of your releases.


2. Plan Your Videos Around a Theme

One way to keep your video content fresh and engaging is to plan each video around a specific theme or topic. This will not only help you come up with new ideas for videos, but it will also give your viewers something to look forward to with each new release. For example, if you’re a personal trainer, you could release a new workout video every week, with each video focusing on a different muscle group.


3. Keep It varied

While it’s important to have some consistency in your video content, you don’t want to become too predictable. Mix things up by experimenting with different styles, formats, and lengths of videos. You might even want to consider releasing some live videos or Q&As in addition to your regular pre-recorded content.


4. Promote Your Videos

Once you’ve released a new video, it’s important to promote it so that your audience can actually find and watch it. Share your videos on social media, embed them on your website, and send out email newsletters to let people know about your latest release. If you have a large audience, you might also want to invest in paid advertising to ensure that your videos are seen by as many people as possible.

Plan And Distribute Your Video Content With Ease.

By following these simple tips, you can create a video content strategy that will keep your viewers engaged and coming back for more. With a little planning and effort, you can turn your video content into a powerful marketing tool.Plan And Distribute Your Video Content


So What Is Video Distribution?So What Is Video Distribution?



Video distribution is the process of making your video content available to your audience through various channels. This could include social media, your website, email marketing, paid advertising, or even TV and radio.

The goal of distributing your video content is to reach as many people as possible and to get them to engage with your brand. The more eyes you can get on your videos, the better chance you have of achieving your business goals.

When it comes to distributing your videos, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Here are some tips for how to plan and distribute your video content:


1. Know Your Audience

Before you start creating any video content, you need to know who your target audience is. This will help you determine what kind of content to create and where to distribute it.

Think about who your ideal customer is and what they would want to see from your brand. What kind of problems do they have that you can solve with your videos? What kind of content would they find valuable?

Answering these questions will give you a better idea of the type of videos you need to create and how to reach your target audience.


2. Create Engaging Content

Once you know who your target audience is, you need to start creating engaging video content that will appeal to them. This means creating videos that are interesting, informative, and entertaining.

Your videos should be well-produced and professional. They should also be creative and unique. use live action videos and animated videos and post as youtube shorts . If you can stand out from the rest, you’ll be more likely to get noticed by your target audience.


3. Distribute Your Videos Widely

Once you have engaging video content, it’s time to start distributing it widely. The more places you can put your videos, the better.

Some distribution channels you can consider include social media, your website, email marketing, paid advertising, and even TV and radio.

The key is to get your videos in front of as many people as possible. The more eyes you can get on your videos, the better chance you have of achieving your business goals.


4. Measure Your Results

Once you start distributing your videos, it’s important to measure your results. This will help you determine what’s working and what’s not.

There are a few key metrics you can track, such as views, likes, comments, shares, and subscribes. These will give you a good idea of how your videos are performing and how they’re being received by your audience.


5. Make Adjustments

As you measure your results, you may need to make some adjustments to your video distribution strategy. If you’re not getting the results you want, try something different.

You may need to create different types of videos or target a different audience. You may also need to change up your distribution channels or try new ones.

The key is to experiment and find what works best for your brand. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to video distribution.

By following these tips, you can create a video distribution strategy that will help you reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.


Why Is A Video Distribution Strategy So Important
Why Is A Video Distribution Strategy So Important?

As the saying goes, “a rising tide lifts all boats.” The same is true for video content. By creating and distributing high-quality video content, you can help improve the overall quality of your brand’s video content ecosystem.


Not only will this make it easier for customers and prospects to find the videos they’re looking for on your website and social media channels, but it will also help to ensure that your videos are associated with a positive brand image.


Creating a distribution strategy for your animated explainer videos is important for several reasons:

1. It helps you get the most bang for your buck – animated explainer videos are not cheap to produce, so you want to make sure that they’re seen by as many people as possible.

2. It helps ensure that your videos are seen by the right people – you want to make sure that your target audience is seeing your animated explainer videos, and not just random internet users.

3. It helps to build and maintain a positive brand image – as we mentioned before, high-quality video content can help improve the overall image of your brand.


When it comes to distributing your animated explainer videos, there are a few different channels that you can use:


1. Your website – this is one of the most important channels for distributing your animated explainer videos, as it’s where potential customers and clients will go to learn more about your business. Make sure to include your animated explainer videos on your website in a prominent location, such as the home page or product pages.


2. Social media – social media is a great way to distribute your animated explainer videos and reach a larger audience. You can post your videos on your own social media channels, or you can use paid advertising to boost their reach.

3. Video sharing websites – there are a number of video sharing websites, such as YouTube Tik Tok and Vimeo, where you can upload and share your animated explainer videos. This is a great way to reach a larger audience and get more exposure for your brand.

4. Email marketing – if you have an email list, you can send them links to your animated explainer videos as part of your email marketing campaigns. This is a great way to ensure that your target audience sees your videos.

5. Paid advertising – if you want to reach a larger audience and get more exposure for your animated explainer videos, you can use paid advertising, such as Google AdWords or Facebook Ads.


When creating your distribution strategy, it’s important to consider all of these different channels and how they can be used to reach your target audience. By using a combination of these channels, you can ensure that your animated explainer videos are seen by the people who matter most.



Remember ! Good Quality Videos Get More Content Views

Remember ! Good Quality Videos Get More Content Views


The average person spends over four hours watching videos each day. That’s a lot of time, and it’s only increasing as technology gets better and better. So, if you want to get more content views, you need to create videos that are of good quality.

This doesn’t mean that your videos need to be professionally made or anything like that. But they should be clear, concise, and interesting. If your videos are boring or difficult to watch, people will simply click away from them.


There are a few key things that you can do to make sure that your videos are of good quality:


Invest in good equipment. This doesn’t mean that you need to go out and buy the latest and greatest camera. But it does mean that you should have a decent microphone and lighting setup. This will make a big difference in the quality of your videos.

Edit your videos. This is one of the most important steps in creating good quality videos. You don’t need to spend hours upon hours editing, but you should at least cut out any dead space or mistakes.

Add graphics and music. These can help to make your videos more interesting and engaging.


Create Videos That Help To Solve Problems Or Explain Concepts

animated videos: these types of videos use animated characters to tell a story or explain a concept. They can be used to teach, entertain, or both.

explainer videos: these types of videos are designed to explain a concept or product in a clear and concise way. They often use voiceovers and visuals to help explain the main points.


Educate viewers with great videos for your app or service or complex product.

Whether you’re looking to educate potential customers about your app or service, or you’re looking to promote a complex product, animated videos and explainer videos are a great way to break down the key features, benefits, or use cases in an engaging and visually appealing way. And with social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram making it easier than ever to share your content with a large audience, video distribution is a great way to get your videos seen by more people.

So if you’re looking for a way to educate viewers about your app or service, or promote a complex product, animated videos and explainer videos are a great option, and video distribution can help you reach a larger audience.


Why video marketing is one of the most captivating and effective tools for marketing your business.

As the popularity of online video continues to skyrocket, it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to leverage this powerful medium to reach their target audiences:


Video marketing is one of the most captivating and effective tools for marketing your business. Not only do animated explainer videos grab attention and hold viewers’ attention, but they’re also highly shareable across social media and other online channels.

When it comes to distributing your video content and as mentioned previously there are several different strategies you can use to ensure that your videos are seen by as many people as possible. One of the most effective ways to distribute your videos is through email marketing. You can embed your videos directly into email newsletters or create dedicated email campaigns specifically for promoting your videos.

Another great way to distribute your videos is through social media. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are all excellent channels for sharing your videos with a wide audience. You can also use paid advertising on social media platforms to promote your videos to an even wider audience.

Finally, don’t forget to optimize your videos for search engines. This will help people find your videos more easily when they’re searching for relevant keywords or phrases.

By following these tips, you can maximize the reach and impact of your video marketing campaigns.


How do videos help explain your business?

Video is a powerful tool for businesses, big and small. By using video to explain what your business does, you can quickly capture the attention of your audience and give them a much better understanding of what you do and how you can help them.

In addition, videos are a great way to show off your products or services in action. This can be especially helpful if you have a new product or service that you’re trying to promote. Seeing it in action can often be more effective than just reading about it.

Finally, videos can also be used to create a more personal connection with your viewers. By including a personal story or testimonial in your video, you can let people know that there’s a real person behind your business that they can connect with.

All of these factors make video an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. If you’re not already using video to promote your business, now is the time to start to plan and distribute your video content effectively.


Conclusion: How To Plan And Distribute Your Video Content

Conclusion: How To Plan And Distribute Your Video Content



Article by Nicole Delgado 2022 | Marketing Manager | Explainer Video Company | Animated Explainer Video Production


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