What Is The Explainer Video Production Process?

Animated Explainer Video Production Process


Even if you’re a beginner, you’ve probably heard of explainer videos. They’re becoming more and more popular because they’re an effective way to communicate a message in a short amount of time.

But what is the production process like for creating one of these videos? In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the entire process so you have a better understanding of what goes into making one.


There are several key steps in the explainer video production process, which we’ll outline briefly below then go into more detail later.


The animated explainer video production stage includes several important steps that must be followed in order to create a successful final product. These steps are:

1. Pre-production: This is the stage where the initial idea for the animation is developed and fleshed out. The script and the storyboard, character designs, and other important elements are created during pre-production.

2. Production: This is the stage where the actual animation is created. All of the individual frames that make up the final animation are drawn or rendered during production.

3. Post-production: This is the stage where the final touches are added to the animation. This includes adding sound effects, music, and any other finishing touches that are needed. Once post-production is complete, the animation is ready for release.

4. Distribution: The final step is distributing your video explainer so that people can actually watch it! There are a number of ways to do this, but one of the most effective is through online video platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo.



Animation Pre- Production Phase

Pre-production is the stage in which all of the necessary preparations are made for an animation project. This includes planning out the story, designing the characters and backgrounds, and creating any needed props or other assets. Once everything is ready, production can begin.

This includes the development of the initial idea, the treatment phase, design and storyboarding
The first step in any digital animation pre-production process is the development of the initial idea.

This can be done through brainstorming sessions with the entire production team or simply by coming up with a concept on your own. Once an idea has been decided upon, it is time to begin developing a treatment.

A treatment script is essentially a brief description of the proposed animation, outlining the story and characters. This stage is important for fleshing out the initial idea and getting feedback from potential investors or distributors. After the treatment phase, it is time to start designing the look of the animation.

Character designs are usually created first, as they will be used to generate the model sheets used by the animators. Once the characters have been designed, backgrounds and other environments need to be created. Finally, a storyboard is developed which will be used as a roadmap for the actual animation process.

The storyboard should be as detailed as possible, outlining each scene and shot. This stage of digital animation pre-production can be time-consuming, but it is essential for ensuring a smooth production process.



Animation Production Phase

In the production stage of digital animation, artists and technicians work together to bring the story to life. This is where all of the planning and designing from the pre-production stage comes together. The first step in production is creating the storyboard, which is a blueprint for the entire project.

Once the storyboard is approved, the animators can begin creating the actual animation.

In 3D animation the process is a little different to 2D animation where the process is divided into three main stages: modeling, rigging, and animation. In the modeling stage, 3D models are created for all of the characters and objects that will appear in the scene. These models are then “rigged” with bones and joints so that they can be animated. Finally, in the animation stage, each character is brought to life by an animator who moves them through the scene.

Once the animation is complete, it is time for post-production. This is where the sound FX and music are added, and the final touches are put on the project. After post-production, the digital animation is ready to be shared with the world!


Animation Post Production Phase

As with any film or television production, the post-production stage of animation is where the final touches are put on the project. This is where the animators go over the footage one last time to make sure everything is looking as smooth and polished as possible.

Additionally, any sound effects or music that need to be added in are also completed during this stage.

Finally, once everything is finished and approved by those in charge, the animation is then ready for release!


How To Distribute Your Animated Video

Explainer Video Production Process

The best way to distribute animated explainer videos is to post them online on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. You can also share them on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

If you want to reach a wider audience, you can also distribute your videos through paid advertising channels like Google Ads or Facebook Ads.

Finally, you can also embed your animated explainer videos on your website or blog to help increase traffic and engagement.


Conclusion:  Explainer Video Production Process

How To Distribute Your Animated Video

So, what do you think? Are explainer videos the next big thing for your business? If you’re interested in getting started on an explainer video of your own, we’d be more than happy to help.

Our team has a lot of experience creating engaging and effective explainer videos that capture your company’s unique story and communicate it to potential customers. Contact us today to get started!



Article by Nicole Delgado 2022 | Marketing Manager | Explainer Video Company | Animated Explainer Video Production


Additional Resources:

Benefits of B2B Explainer Videos for Your Business

Best Explainer Videos for Online Learning


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