video marketing trends 2022

12 Video Marketing Trends For 2022


One of the most effective methods to communicate with modern clients in the digital environment is through video marketing. On practically all internet platforms, videos have become the most popular and desired sort of content. Every successful business and organization in 2022 will need to use video marketing. We want to watch videos everywhere, from news feeds to social media to publications, since they transmit information more quickly and efficiently.

Brands may employ video marketing to enhance conversions and drive audience engagement in 2022. The six most intriguing and significant video marketing trends for next year are discussed here.



    1. Animated Explainer Videos

    One of the most effective marketing strategies has always been animation. Mr. Clean, the mascot of Procter & Gamble, comes to mind. In 1958, this animated hero first debuted on our television screens. He has been one of the most recognizable characters in the cleaning products sector for decades. Mr. Clean is just one of many instances of how an animated video commercial can help create a strong brand image and stay in the minds of customers. With the ever-increasing popularity of video social media giants like YouTube and TikTok, we can’t afford to ignore video marketing trends.

    We anticipate an increase in the popularity of animated explainer videos as one of the major video marketing trends in 2022. Animated videos are still used by many firms across the world to artistically promote their products and services and to teach customers about how to use them, onboard new staff, and a variety of other corporate and marketing goals. We expect to see video animation benefiting firms in a variety of sectors even more.


    2. Sequential Storytelling

    YouTube, which is owned by Google, has spent a lot of time and effort figuring out what makes for amazing video material. According to their findings, videos with sequential narrative — that is, films with a beginning, middle, and conclusion – perform better and provide more effective advertisements.

    When you think about it, it’s not that unexpected. The narrative structure is more crucial than ever with the emergence of streaming television and YouTube as an entertainment platform where consumers watch more and longer-form videos.

    This is a trend that works for YouTube as well as practically any other place where video material is used. It works for both short and lengthy videos. The underlying denominator is that you must remember to convey a compelling tale to your audience.


    3. Interactive Video

    Honda Interactive Video Example

    There are many different types of interactive video. On a website or in a shared post, it may be virtual reality or a game, as well as associated features, connections, or alternatives.

    However, one thing is becoming increasingly popular: giving people something to do after they’ve viewed the movie. Keep the conversation going. Don’t let a vista put you off. Users who remain with you and watch a video have already expressed an interest in your brand and content, and they are more inclined to do so again. Maintain the relationship by providing an engaging opportunity.

    The key to making interactivity work is to make sure it complements the video.


    4.User Generated Videos

    User-generated video has long been popular on social media, but it can now be found almost anywhere. Even non-user-generated video can have a real feel to it.

    Consider how many of the videos you’ve lately viewed – from TikTok dances to advertisements – practically every other video appears to be improvised.


    5.TikTok Style Videos

    @demibagby Stand up challenge!!! #wedidit #fun #standupchallenge #challenge @scott_mathison_ @gymshark ♬ Woah (feat. D3Mstreet) – KRYPTO9095

    If you look at any social media feed, you’ll see that practically every video uses the joyful, rapid, and energetic style popularized by TikTok. These short videos use insane dancing moves, amusing jingles, stunts, and pranks to teach or convey about one subject. This funny, lighthearted approach is also being applied to marketing. The combination of knowledge and enjoyment is the key to this video style. It’s also more difficult than it appears. You should prepare to storyboard ideas first to make the most of it for actual marketing goals.


    6.Live Video Stories

    In both public and private areas, such as web chatting or conferences, live storytelling are displacing all other video forms. In-the-moment video establishes a genuine connection with consumers who enjoy it. According to a research done by Livestream, 80% of consumers would rather watch a brand’s live video than read a blog article, and 82 percent would rather watch live video than social network updates.

    So, if you haven’t gone live yet, now is the time to consider it. Just keep the video brief and to the point, and make sure the video and audio quality are both decent. Poor video quality is the most common reason for consumers to avoid live video.

    Consider marking or highlighting any video that contains timeless content so that it can be revisited later.



    7.Training Content and Educational Videos

    Educational and training material is one of the most popular categories of video content, including anything from FAQs to learning how to use a new product to online study in a university setting.

    Research shows 68 percent of consumers like to learn about new products or services by viewing videos. That’s in addition to reading articles, infographics, ebooks, and manuals, as well as watching presentations.

    This is the place to start if you’re not sure what kind of video material to make. Create anything that clarifies who you are, what you do, or your service or product offers for users.


    8.Long Format Videos

    Although some films appear to be growing shorter and shorter, lengthier format videos are becoming more popular. People are becoming more accustomed to watching full-length films online, ranging from short social media clips and interviews to full-length serial episodes on YouTube.

    The key to longer-format video is that it must be of high quality. According to a survey conducted by, films longer than 15 minutes account for 50% of all video interaction but just 8% of content. Consider it for a moment. You can achieve better results by making fewer, lengthier videos.



    9.Search-Optimized Videos

    Research done on Forrester showed that videos performed 53 times better than other traditional SEO tactics to get to the first page rank. Focus on three areas when optimizing your videos for SEO: relevancy, consistency, and backend optimization.

    To begin, make sure that each of your films has a clear aim in mind. Make them entertaining to watch by addressing their questions, educating them on essential brand subjects, and generating video content that is relevant to them.

    Consistency is crucial to improving your results, just as it is with traditional SEO material. Create video material on a regular basis and post it to your website to assist enhance traffic.

    Finally, don’t overlook critical technical optimization procedures such as title tags, keywords in descriptions, selecting good thumbnail photos, and replying to comments in order to increase interaction.


    10.Product 360 degrees Videos

    Using short movies of your items to show them to customers visiting your online store is a more targeted, sales-oriented video marketing method. When people buy online, they want realistic, thorough photographs and descriptions of things, and videos are a terrific way to reveal details and put products in a more relevant context.

    The 360° feature may also be utilized to showcase your store, a holiday location, or anything else where the visual aspect can sell itself and give the customer an indication of your brand’s personality.



    Video diaries, reviews, and tutorials are all excellent ways to aid in the discovery of your product or service. Furthermore, it is a rapidly expanding marketing segment. With tools like Instagram TV and the do-it-yourself aspect of these films, vlogging is becoming more widespread all the time. To make a video tale on the internet, all you need is a phone, an affordable microphone, editing software, and YouTube.


    12.Filming Vertically

    Video in vertical format has the advantage of being better optimized for mobile devices and social media platforms. Vertical videos are less likely to be cropped in strange ways by platforms and mobile websites, and online viewers prefer them over horizontal ones.

    Square video footage is finding some traction as well, albeit not to the same extent.

    It’s all about where you’re going to upload and share your content. Vertical videos are great for social networking, whereas horizontal videos are best for websites viewed on wide-screen displays and video ad formats.



    Understanding how video will fit into your marketing and design strategies is crucial. As part of your internet strategy, it will most likely continue to expand. To engage consumers in a way that they find extremely engaging, employ video in website designs, social media, and as stand-alone advertising.

  • Further Reading :

  • by Nicole Delgado 2022 | Article Writer | Explainer Video Company | Animated Explainer Videos
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